January 1, 2014

Everyone's toenails are done!  Only got too close on one of the girls.  It always pains me to see them bleen, even a little bit.  All ears are cleaned out too.  Pulled hair and cleaned with the blue solution stuff. 
Was not thrilled to see snow piling up on the snow we still have from last time.  I think we got around 4 inches more.  The dogs run out until they come to where there is no scooped path, then they about face and head back in.  It is funny to watch them be excited about getting outside, but then head back in very quickly.  Until I get some grass scooped clear, I find a lot of presents on the patio. 

In-service tomorrow for the teachers.  We are going to learn the McCrel evaluation tool.  Yep, I did that already when the school sent me and a handful of other teachers to another district at the beginning of the school year.  We will be using this tool next year for evaluations.  I am being evaluated this year, so I get to use the old forms that we have used for 10+ years.

Vet is coming on Saturday morning to give shots.  This will get everyone caught up through February.  I will worry about March and April during Spring Break. 

For the new APIS/USDA laws, I will need to get a USDA license.  Don't think it will be any more work than what I am already doing, but will need to ID each dog with a tag.  If I use microchips I have to get special permission.  Not sure why microchips are not the method of choice since tags can be taken off or lost.  I need to check into getting this permission and will likely need to get my own microchip reader.  Need to get the paperwork filled out and sent in and then they will come and inspect within 90 days. 

Also need to get a renewal email started for BTCA members.  Dues are due by February.  I still have not decided what to use for the renewal gift.  I would like something that would be easy to mail and inexpensive to obtain.  I would like to have everything ready to mail out to the renewed members by the end of February. 

Also need to work on my taxes.  They kind of got put on the back burner during the holidays.  I have a large pile of receipts to go through and then I need to input everything.  Hopefully if I have things in the months it won't take me too long to get it all typed in.  Then I get to go through the calendar with the receipts to decide on all of the mileage that I don't have written down already.


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