May 20

Took 5 puppies to the vet tonight.  Tate and Joey got their first shot.  Joey weighs in at only 1.5 pounds.  Joy and Jazzy got their second shots.  Lovie went to have the vet check out her eye.  As far as she can tell it is looking okay. 

Poor Wolf had to have an unplanned bath and haircut.  I was going to get him done in the next week, but a dirty bottom made it necessary to be done tonight. 

There are only three taped ears.  Topper did not get taped last week because his ear leather was nicked by the clipper, so both of his are taped now.  King has one ear taped.  hopefully by this time next week all ears will be up.   

Tomorrow is the last full day of school.  cook out and run day in afternoon.  Thursday the kids are out at noon.  Grade cards go home with the kids on Thursday. 

Lotty leaves Thursday.  I still don't have all of her things together. 

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